good evening , so its another late Monday night. And what is there to think about art. About how my practice is getting further away but becoming more clear and through this period of self analysis of the work accepting that this may be it , I am not going to come up with great conceptual leap and radical change , those days are long gone since art school. This is what I do.
if I am critical of it is pretty middle of the road average sculpture it doesn't have a trick and its only strength gets lost pretty easily through my doubt and need for more. This attitude doesn't really sell the work to people ( mental note remember this).
but what I am seeing is many people not all of them not even my close friends but people I have known, doing well or at least having shows but not really believing or trying even to make belief in the work, beyond a work that gets them shown, this isn't that important but I wish they could know so they could make the work they should be making. Don't we hate it when our friends get successful , young mi chun has done very well and her work has grown with her but kept some of the original spark that she had, sure she loses the way quite often , but she always finds her way back to some fresh good work well done young mi.
As you can see I am quite 'philosophical' about things at the moment, what might this mean well a journey to attempt to discover what really interests me, so lets see; I am always distracted when I am not working, by to many things and not spending enough time thinking about this , is this a symptom of our times? i Have been reading classic philosophy works one thing i see is how easy it is for them to come across as a prescriptive doctrine, of how these other people un educated should behave. We all do things behind closed doors that were ashamed of and there isn't any way to not have these things happening.
reading and re-reading these works opens up a great way of thinking for me and hopefully this method leads to some fruitful outcomes, not just more opening up of ways of thinking. i think this blog acts just as a thought pad and feels like plans, well not really but parts of something that hasnt come together yet. If your reading this you could well be the first!
so its an idea of another way of another space for some thought to exist , i still feel are thoughts are bombared by distractions and stopping them is pretty difficult, There addictive.
i should stick a few images in here:

so its the oldest trick in the book but hey rock and roll kids. So what might this faith and belief that i am looking for be, well it is not in something instead its in me and my ability to understand what is going on around us. Something i have been thinking about a lot in relation to this belief is something i have had in several guises through out my life , that i am special that i have secret knowledge or that i have experienced things that have given me an insight into matters that most people cannot see. When i was younger this got me into lots of trouble, my behavior wasn't bad in the usual sense really eg i wasn't a menace to society rather more a victim. Through making art a was able to find a really useful position to take up, of i know something that i am showing you that you don't know. Now really i am thinking about this and wondering if i do or rather wondering where this has gone this feeling of specialness also and most interestingly these feeling where strongest when i was most alone and hurting they seem to be some sort of mechanism for the psyche to look after itself, well not exactly look after but contain counteract.
incidentally i don't really feel like this now so much, what it is i am explaining are the results of my enquiry into these things which is somewhat different than the actual effects that one feels whilst these occurrences are happening. And what i am wishing for is some reconciliation of my artistic endeavors to these things of interest and some way for me to understand them and to place my practice within an informed position of strength. Relating to these things.

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